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My Pregnancy Story

Welcome back to my blog, Since I am now pregnant I've decided I want to share my experience my real life experience!! I also want to be able to look back at this one day and remind myself of this life changing time in my life. Hope you are all here to see my journey too, a very honest one at that!!! 

Ill start by giving you guys a little run down of my relationship first.

I met my boyfriend Mark in November 2016 after a very shitty year. After talking for a little while and me being afraid to meet with him (back then I was officially done with boys haha) I finally met up with him and It just clicked. I fell so in love with him very quickly and I wouldn't change a thing. We are now together over a year and a half and I honestly couldn't see myself without him, as much as he is a pain! he's my pain and my best friend. I could always see us having children and getting married for sure. but we had so much planned and so much we wanted to achieve before we settled down but I guess god had a different plan for us.

We found out I was pregnant on the 14th of May 2018.

I wasn't feeling the best the week previous to when we found out, I got sick in work and just felt extremely drained. I really wasn't myself.
Anyway Monday the 14th of May, I decided I needed to go to the K doc to figure out what the hell was wrong with me, Honestly I didn't have a clue what could of been wrong with me, but I had myself convinced I couldn't of been pregnant.
After a little chat with Mark, We decided I needed to do a pregnancy test just in case maybe I was pregnant or to rule it out if I did go to the K Doc. I told my mam at this stage, I am extremely close to her and she was 100% supportive.  We went and picked one up and came straight back home. I didn't even think about it and just did the test the second I got home.
Not even a 1 minute went by and the plus sign came up clear as day. I am not going to lie I completely broke down in tears, so many things ran through my head and my god was I overwhelmed. Mark on the other hand just sat there, did not say one word god love him.
I came downstairs and gave my mam the test, Her reaction was brilliant over the moon with happiness!! In the meantime, I was still crying and mark just stood there still said nothing. I cried and cried not because I didn't want the baby but because I felt like it wasn't the right time, there were so many things I wanted Mark and me to do before we had kids. but as I said above I guess god has his own plans for us. 
Mark told his Mam and Dad who were incredibly supportive and over the moon!!!
Then that left my daddy who I was very scared to tell, because I am his only girl and I think he still sees me as his little princess, he always supported me and my dreams and I know he wanted me to achieve everything I could possibly achieve in my life before I ever had kids.
When he got in from work I started to cry because I was so scared to tell him, my mam was with me so it made it a little easier to tell him. Once I told him he just hugged me and told me everything would be okay. I know it was hard on him at first but now he is 100% behind me and so excited for this little baba, as is everyone in both our families.

15th of May 2018 
The next day which was Tuesday the 15th I had work, and I was still in shock and so overwhelmed I felt like I was just floating on clouds. As the day went on, I started to put everything together when it happen etc etc and then started to get really worried, I got my period at the end of April which meant I was only 3 weeks pregnant, I didn't think symptoms came so quick but clearly they do.
So when I came home from work, I went straight to Mullingar hospital I was afraid that I could of had a miscarriage, All I kept thinking was if I was pregnant when I got i, I was so scared.... My family and Mark came with me and we sat in A&E for hours!!!! Once I got seen, they just took some blood tests and that was it, never told me if the baby was okay if anything was wrong nothing, and just told me I had to come back in the morning for the early pregnancy unit and get a scan and go from there.

16th of May 2018 
So the next day arrived and up early we get to go the hospital again after spending all the evening before. Once we were in the hospital, they took some more blood tests, and told me that they would be able to tell from the last nights blood tests and the today's ones if the pregnancy was processing or not. The nurse told us we were only about 3 weeks gone, which is very early to be getting symptoms but some how I was. We were waiting for ages, and the nurse called me out and told me because I was so early that a scan wouldn't be able to tell us much, and to go on home there was no point in sticking around as the blood tests don't come back for another while and that it be much better for me to go home and rest.
So that's what we did, we went back home and were home for about 2 hours and I got phone call letting me no that our little baba was in there growing away. It was such a relief!!!!! The doctor who rang me also told me I needed to go on some tablets to bring up one of my hormone levels, and that he wanted to see me in a weeks time.

Within that week, I was extremely sick like every single morning and during the day, It was horrible. All I wanted to do was stay in bed, I could barely eat anything as It was just coming straight back up, so I needed to drink as much as I could, sometimes I couldn't even keep water down :(
Let me tell you sickness during pregnancy is not pretty, I really could not do it, It took every bit of energy I had.

21st of May 2018 
I ended up spotting within a couple of days before I was due back in hospital, so I went to my doctor to see was everything okay. Luckily the baby was okay, me on the other hand wasn't so much, still getting sick and also had very low blood pressure, I ended up out of work for 2 weeks as the doctor said I needed to take it easy and rest, make sure I got food into me and drank as much as possible.

23rd Of May 2018
Another week went by and we were back in the hospital, at this stage we would of been only about 5 weeks, but because I had a scare they had to do a scan just to make sure, the nurse warned me that there might not be much to see as I was so early!!!
Turned out I was actually 8 weeks pregnant which was so good to hear!! the earlier you find out the scarier it is, so I only had 4 weeks until we were at the 12week mark,thank god.
 Everything was perfect and our little baba was growing away perfectly in there. The doctor kept me on the same tablets for another 2 weeks, which meant I had to go back to the hospital again after the 2 weeks were up. So many hospital trips but we didn't mind.

Our baby at 8 weeks 

8th of May 2018
After 2 weeks we were back in the hospital, we got another scan, when you attend the early pregnancy unit in Mullingar they give you a scan everytime you visit. This scan was much different for me tho for some strange reason, maybe because I was starting to show and it was getting more real, once I seen my little person on the screen I just cried.... Our baby was growing away perfectly in there, getting bigger every week, after that scan everything changed for me, I was so excited and happy. We both were.

Our baby at 10 weeks 

 I am now 20 weeks , half way there already! We are all so excited. Although the start of my pregnancy really wasn't easy, I struggled every day from the sickness and honestly still am struggling but doing my best. Some people make pregnancy look so easy and beautiful, I cant. I don't have a glow, I don't feel pretty in any way, Nothing fits me and my hormones are all over the place. I have days were all I want to do is stay in bed and have no one around me, Although pregnancy is beautiful, It is also very very hard. The thought of the unknown is terrifying but I'm lucky to have so much supportive people around me to help me through it. 

My pregnancy so far has been the most life changing experience I have and will ever have to experience. My story is a real life story and yes you can get your period the first month of pregnancy, scary I know but it happened to me. I would of been just 3/4 weeks when I got mine and never in a million years thought that I could of been pregnant whilst having it. So my advice to any women reading this, be careful!

Thanks so much for reading, I will be sharing other pregnancy bits on here soon but for now this is all.
Lots of love
Lyndsey xo

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