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To Do

I'm trying to keep busy while Sweet Hubby is away on business. Easier said than done. I have big plans but I'm having a hard time finding motivation. The weather has turned cool here which just makes me want to curl up on the sofa with the girls and the critters and read or watch a movie. I'm going to work on a sewing project this afternoon to help keep my mind off the fact that he's enjoying the beauty and food of Italy while I'm here playing Hi Ho Cherry-O for the millionth time and eating grilled cheese.

While I'm thinking about it, I wanted to share with you some new blogs I have discovered. I absolutely love discovering new blogs either from stumbling upon them or from the sweet comments that you all leave. These are just a few that come to mind that I recently found & knew you would want to see also.

The Glitter Lady of recent Martha Stewart fame. She's amazing.
Anita of Cottage Affairs. She's a girl after my own heart.
Linda at Restyled Home. Umm, wow! This woman is a talent!
******Be sure to leave a comment some time so I can come visit you too!

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