Is Justin Bieber growing up? (Splash News photo)
MIAMI BEACH — Justin Bieber looks less like a Sorry pop star and more like a man on his most recent visit to our southern shores.
That's a change!
He's got a non-skinny rumored new girlfriend, he's taking care of his little brother Jaxon and he looked like an action hero out on his wake board!
Not bad for a guy who was last seen icing his angle on a Versace pillow!
He looks like a butch Malibu Ken! (Splash News photo)
Let's start with the girl.
Alexandra Rodriguez is no Malibu Barbie! (Splash News photo)
The hot and very curvy model Alexandra Rodriguez was seen spending time with the Biebs and his little brother when she wasn't out showing off her beach body.
Rodriguez is a stunner, but not in the traditional super-toned way. She's slender, but with a soft round belly.
Very womanly! (Splash News photo)
It's pretty clear she's not wasting too much time at the gym!
But Bieber seems to like it!
The paps caught Bieber squeezing that belly in an intimate embrace.
Oh, I'll get that belly! (Splash News photo)
At the same time, Bieber was doing his best impersonation of an action star.
He's got some pretty good moves on his wakeboard!
Cool, composed and not whiny-faced at all! (Splash News photo)
And then he also showed off his tender side taking care of his little brother mini-me, 6-year-old Jaxon.
Looks like the pop star's doing the best do become a true role model (Splash News photo)
We like this new, more mature Bieber. Makes us kind of sad he got shot at the beginning of Zoolander 2!
Can't wait to see where this leads.
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