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Little dream come true!

{Orsay jeans,leather jacket and sunnies; Top from Poland; Benvenuti necklace; Wagoneer loafers; ArtBag bag}

       I should have shown you this bag a long time ago, only I waited for the perfect time to show it to you guys! This bag is a little dream come true, because it's the first bag I have designed and also the first bag I have won via a giveaway! Of course  after this I won another great clutch, but I am still preparing with that outfit post!    

      So it all started when I saw a great giveaway via Strike a pose (BTW just take a look at her blog, she has a great sense of style!). Usually I don't enter international giveaways because I think there is almost no chance for me to win it, but this was different because the 'rules' of the giveaway were to design your own bag which you might win if they picked your bag to be the most beautiful. So I thought I will give it a try! This was back in November I think, and honestly I totally forgot about it. They announced the giveaway winner two weeks after, and I had no clue that I had won it because I had a lot of exams. I think only in December had I realized that I won it via an e-mail from the company who asked for my shipping address. I was shocked!!! And then I think in  February I got the bag and I was so so happy! 
      But let's talk about this awesome bag. From the first moment I saw the giveaway I thought of designing a bag for my laptop/ for all the books and notebooks I have to carry to University. I have been looking for a bag like this, but honestly I couldn't find a pretty one. I wanted a big, colorful, preferably floral bag, so I designed it so. I just love the colors, the fabrics, they are just like I imagined they would be! After I found out I won it, I started to be anxious because I didn't design the handles for the bag ( you can see that in the second picture) !!! I was freaking out because it's a bag that cannot be carried without a handle. But when I received it I was so relieved to see that I will be able to carry it around!
So a big thanks to Ramona for this wonderful opportunity and of course a huge thanks to ArtBag who have made my little dream come true! Don't forget to check out her page, 'til then, here's a preview of how she styled her own ArtBag bag. Just love the color combination she used! :)

Have an amazing day!

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